About Us
Dot Zero
Dot Zero is jointly established by YCM, a leading machine tool builder, and Advantech, an industrial computer manufacturer.It is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) System Integration (SI) company. Combining rich mechanical processing background from YCM and Advantech’s WISE-PaaS 2.0 IoT cloud platform technology and services, Dot Zero accumulates the needs of various fields and solutions, and efficiently integrate information technology (IT), Operational technology (OT), and communication technology (CT).
Affected by the wave of intelligence, the global manufacturing industry is facing many challenges, such as “Lack of standardized communication interface”, “Lower intelligence for existing equipment” and “Insufficient informationization for existing system”, so how to intelligentize equipment to “Information Digitalization” and “Intelligent Visualization” have become the key issues that must be faced and dealt with first.
Based on the principle of empathy, Dot Zero stands with customer to simplify the introduction process, helping manufacturers to start with the most basic aspects, to structure the most suitable system, to improve production efficiency and flexibility and reduce production costs.
Dot Zero actively cooperates with various industry partners to “Create a new era of wisdom”!
35-year experience. Top Industrial Computer Company
65-year experience. Worldwide Machine Tool Builder
Industrial-grade IoT cloud platform
Product & Service
DZ Connect is the core of the best solution for smart manufacturing. Based on the requirements of users, IoT , big data, ground and cloud platforms are applied on DZ Connect.
Through the connection of the traditional and CNC machines in the factory, the equipment operation data can be collected immediately, so as to analyze capacity,OEE, etc., and remotely monitor and manage the factory through the mobile device to achieve instant management.
Effectively reducing downtime and optimizing workflow to prompt the rapid transformation into digital and intelligent factories.
Production Schedule Visualization Provide Analysis and Reporting
Monitoring and managing the factory remotely through various mobile devices
Providing basic real-time operational data for the device
1. Production Schedule Visualization
2. Manage machines status instantly, reducing downtime
3. Collect machines data for capacity analysis and reporting
1. Reduce manpower requirements and management.
2. Improve data accuracy
3. Instant information and visualization of information
Connection exceeds with
Productivity Improvement for average 3~6 months
【The value in the above table is the average one from the imported customer.】
Contact Us
Dot Zero CO., LTD
TEL : +886-4-2358-5628
FAX : +886-4-2358-5369
Email : [email protected]
9F-3, No. 925,Sec. 4, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C)